Born and raised in Japan, Atsuro started his yoga practice in his mid twenties after moving to San Diego in 2002, where he strongly connected with Ashtanga Yoga. Atsuro has been seriously practicing and studying Ashtanga Yoga with Tim Miller for over fourteen years. Atsuro has completed 4th Series under the guidance of Tim Miller in 2015, and he is currently learning the 5th Series. Tim has given Atsuro the position to teach and assist in Mysore classes for the past ten years, which has allowed him to continuously deepen and advance his knowledge and teaching experience. Furthermore, Atsuro has been assisting Tim Miller’s Teacher Training where participants gather from all over the world for many years.

Atsuro's teaching style is to meet each student with compassion and sincerity, and guide their awareness so that the most beneficial practice unfold for each of them. His adjustments effectively and therapeutically correct asana and guide students to a deeper level of self awareness. 

He teaches workshops in the United States, Japan, Europe and Asia. His daily Ashtanga Yoga practice continues to change and shape his life in a positive way. Atsuro is grateful to be able to share his knowledge of the practice, and appreciates Ashtanga Yoga as a wonderful science of the mind, body, and spirit.


日本で生まれ育ち米国に25年以上在住。10代から哲学に関心を持ち20代半ばでヨガと出会う。2002年にサンディエゴにてヨガの実践を開始、アシュタンガヨガと出会い感銘を受ける。アシュタンガヨガセンターにてティム・ミラーSri K. パタビ ジョイスから米国人で最初にサーティファイドされ30年以上の実践者であり指導者)のもと14年以上に渡り献身的にアシュタンガヨガを学び実践。2015年に4thシリーズをティム・ミラー指導のもと終了後、現在は5thシリーズを実践中。ティム・ミラーからマイソールクラスのアシストと自身のマイソールクラスを与えられ10年間に渡り深い知識と指導経験を積み、更に世界中から参加者が集まるティム・ミラーのティーチャートレーニングのアシスタントも長年勤め受け継いだアシュタンガヨガの伝統を日々伝え続けている。

